My Name: Wherefore Art Thou KishaLynn?

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Hi my name is KishaLynn. My nickname is KL and some people also call me Lynn. I kindly ask most people not to call me Kisha. Yet, there are several occasions where people still do.

Being called “Kisha” is my way of distinguishing how people might know me (or not). If someone calls me Kisha, it means one of the following applies:

1. They are my relative. Particularly my mother or father.
Reaction: Do NOT correct. My relatives know what my name is. Especially the ones that named me.

2. They are a stranger that I have just introduced myself to as KishaLynn, and they have automatically shortened it to Kisha without my permission.
Reaction: Correct. Everybody gets 3 Kishas before I start to get pissed.

3. They are someone I have given special permission to call me Kisha.
Reaction: Do not correct. There are very few in this number. If I allow my name to be shortened at all, I typically stick with Lynn.

4. They are a friend or colleague who knowingly disregards my obvious preference and persistent request to be called KishaLynn or KL.
Reaction: Ignore. Which is Do Not Correct, with an attitude!

Maybe I’ll find a better way to address #4 in the future.

Fortunately, most people are compliant and call me KishaLynn, KL, or Lynn to my face and on paper. (I won’t even get into the misspellings!) That is, they comply unless they fit into one of the subsets above. In those cases, I can easily recognize that they are talking to me  and I can respond appropriately. That is one of the purposes of having a name.

Now some may ask “What’s wrong with Kisha?” Especially my mother and father–though neither of them have ever asked me.

And to any of them, I would say that there is nothing wrong with Kisha. I ask to be called KishaLynn because my name is both Kisha and it is Lynn. That is the truth.

Now some may ask “What’s wrong with Kisha?” with an attitude.

And to any of them, I would say that there is nothing wrong with Kisha. I love the name Kisha. Kisha is a beautiful name that means many things depending on what website you’re on and what spelling variations you will tolerate. I am in no way denying or rejecting the Kisha part of my name. That would be ridiculous. It’s on my birth certificate. My social security card. My drivers license. On my passport. On my Facebook page. I wear it proudly almost everywhere that I am being who I actually am. (Yes, there are occasions in my life when I am not being who I actually am. Mind your business!) So I ask, what exactly is the problem? Oh, the Lynn. Well, that’s my name too, you see? It’s also on my birth certificate. On my social security card. On my drivers license, passport and Facebook page. So again I ask, what exactly is the problem? Usually that ends that.

Now some may ask, “Why do you let some people call you Lynn?”

And to any of them, I would say it’s because I came of age online. Online you don’t typically use your full real name.  Well back in those days you didn’t. When meeting people online, I decided to just use Lynn, which is an psuedo-anonymous enough name for online purposes due to its universality. It’s far more common and thus more nimble than Kisha. Yet it’s easier for me to recall and manage automatically than another random common name like Jane. Most of the people in my day-to-day life that call me Lynn, I either met online, or through someone else I met online.

Then in the real world, I realized there were situations in which using Lynn as my name was advantageous. For example, I use Lynn if I want to remain psuedo-anonymous in the real world for the same reasons I might chose to do so online. Or, I use Lynn if I am introducing myself to someone that is hard of hearing or speech impaired, or would otherwise struggle with my full name of KishaLynn. Lynn is very easy for most to say in some form that it can be recognized and responded to. (See purpose of name above.)

When used in real world interactions with strangers, typically Lynn is a one-time use self-reference. However, some of those strangers have become my friends and associates. As such, they party in my circle of life with the online-turned-offline friends that also call me Lynn.

One last thing about Lynn=>Lynn is a diminutive of the Spanish name “Linda” which means pretty. I like being called pretty. 🙂

The bottom line is that I can call myself whatever I want. It just turns out that I choose to call myself my actual name. And if anyone asked me what it meant to me, and really cared to know and not to judge my decisions about it, then I just might tell them. That includes Mom and Dad.

P.S. There are people in my life that correct others and defend my name even more passionately than I do. There is a special place in my heart for them.

Do people call you by the right name? Do you defend it? Are you like me? I want to hear your story! Type it below! Go on, I’m waiting!

Categories: personal

Great Debates: Wigs vs Weaves


So clearly those that have known me since 2003, when I chopped off the lingering death of my relaxed ends, know that i am officially happy to be nappy. I love my natural hair, and my curly fro has definitely become a signature look, as much a part of me as my hazel brown eyes, my right dimple, my halfway grown in canine tooth (aka the baby tooth).

And yet I ain’t ashamed at all to change it up a bit when I get bored or tired of the curse and cry detangling sessions in the shower, or just want to look drastically different with maximum ease. For this, in the past, I’ve looked to:

The very RARE press and curl-I don’t like my natural hair straightened, plus I sweat like a triathlete from my scalp so 10 minutes out of the shop and the whole ear-holding cringe of an ordeal with the hot comb seems to be for nothing!! Like most curl girls, I really only straighten my hair for a trim-once a year or so, if that!

Cornrow braids-simple, no maintenance, and something sexy about some fresh rows! I would initially get hair extensions added in every now and then, but that took extra time and maintenance and my own hair is so long it was hard for my Braider, let’s call her Braidy Smurf, to see the point in adding extra length. Without them, she could braid me up in no time.

From cornrows I evolved into the occasional ponytail weave, which is a length of hair weave that you attach to a natural ponytail, or in my case, specially braided cornrows. Nice to play it both ways.

Then I started to get into the wigs, mostly for the full-look, skill-free convenience of an instantly dramatic transformation. [Side Note: There’s no better use for worn out cornrows than to toss a wig on top of them!!!] Wigs really came into play for me around my wedding day-I was adamant about wearing a wig because I wanted to do NOTHING MORE than PUT MY HAIR ON for my wedding day. No hours at the hair shop, agonizing over the style, panicing about the time. I went shopping until I found the hairstyle I wanted, and 10 mins before I walked down the aisle, I popped it on! Easy, peasy, beautiful! And cheap. My wedding hair cost $17 folks. My maid of honor found it at a wig shop in Dallas. And I got MANY uses out of that still-around wig and one other I bought around the same time (my rehearsal dinner hair).

And now, thanks to a long-deferred California visit from my cousin, a beautician, I am rocking the Beyonce weave like my middle name is Gisselle, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive and favorable! I made no attempts to pretend that this is my natural hair-in fact I prepped everyone in advance that I was going unbeweaveable and proudly checked in from the hair supply store as I was making my weave purchase. Now I’m into the third week of my full sew-in and I’m feel ready to take a stance on which track-pun intended-I prefer.

I cast my vote-hands down-for WIGS! No question. Here 5 reasons why:

1. Beyonce usually wears a lace front wig, not a weave. I guess she got tired of patting her weave. Not that I do everything because of Beyonce…I’m just sayin’…

2. Speaking of patting your weave, they itch terribly. TERRIBLY! And you can’t take it off without tossing $250+ down the drain, so pat, pat, slap, pound, scrap and dig at that scalp until you are half retarded ladies. And hope he’s/she’s not checking on it while you do. I can’t ever recall one of my wigs being uncomfortable, and if it was, that bad boy comes right off, hopefully to reveal some still-barely-decent looking cornrows beneath.

3. Weaves shed. I’m quite sure I’ve left a trail of wispy hairs from San Diego to LA to Palm Springs and back over these last two weeks. The hair is everywhere! I even found a strand pressed like a bookmark between the pages of a book I swear I haven’t touched in the past two weeks! Can’t recall having this problem with my wigs.

4. Wigs are a better investment. If you wash and style a wig according to directions, they last a really long time, even the low quality ones. Most weaves are hardly wash and wear, and I think they are pretty much all one time use only. I think I’ll be stepping into my wedding hair long after these tracks are biodegrading in a landfill-assuming human hair bio-degrades. You do the math: $17 for wedding wig vs $150 for three packs of human tracks (and that was 50% off THANK GOD!) PLUS my cousin/stylist’s rate for four hours of work. Three years later I can still wear the wig tomorrow; three weeks later and the weave’s days are totally numbered.

5. Wigs are far more versatile. Now granted, if you have the minutes or the hours available to flat iron, curl, and style your weave you can get a LOT of different looks out of them. The same could be said for any genuine head of hair as well. But, my preference is to be extremely low maintanance, I’m talking bed to door in 8 minutes flat for most mornings, and for evening looks I’d rather fuss with my makeup, clothes and jewelry than my hair. But you can literally collect wigs by the style and decide who/what you want to be that day and night. It’s the ultimate versatility!! Fiery red-head? Sure! Brazen blonde? Go for it! 2″ to 30″, wigs offer it all-instantly. And while they aren’t all cheap, I could have bought 5 moderately priced wigs for the total cost of my weave and would have had enough one-minute hair styling options to last me until my 35th birthday.

Now I’m clearly sold on wigs over weaves, but here’s one upside (of admittedly a few) that I found to having a weave-besides how utterly FABULOUS I look.

Weaves stay put.

Being a top-down-convertible-driving/passenger-seat-riding SoCal gal such as myself, it was a great comfort to know that I could safely press my face into the wind and my hundreds of dollars invested would stay put. And nothing beats whipping your hair back and forth with confidence when you’re popping it on the dance floor. And while, beyond these two examples, the strength of my weave hasn’t yet been fully tested (Hi baby I’m looking at you *wink*) I’m pretty sure it’s sewn on there tight enough for the world, or my wife, to have at it. #TMI

When it comes to wigs vs weaves, what say you? Which do you prefer-as a wearer or in general as a looker? Holla back fam!

Stay blessed,

More on the Momentous Candace Parker Tweet

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OK, for anyone who cares, or at minimum to document the occasion, here is the full scoop on the soon-to-be Infamous Candace Parker tweet.


So, I’ve been following Candace Parker and the Los Angeles Sparks on Twitter for weeks now. In fact, it’s the sole reason I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon in the first place. I am a huge gigantic super duper fan of the Sparks. Words can’t even describe my love for Candace Parker, whom I affectionately and persistently call “babyhairs”.


Anyway, I’ve tweeted Candace for weeks to no avail or response. But in the meantime I’ve also made some cool new “tweeps”, or Twitter people that I tweet with day-to-day and especially on Game Days.


Last night, the Los Angeles Sparks LOST to the Atlanta Dream (grrrr!). There’s only 4 games left till the playoffs and now we need to win them all–very unlikely, but I ride or die for and with the Sparks no matter what!! I, in my devastated turmoil over the loss, turned to Twitter and tweeted this to one of my tweeps:


Mistieyes @bebacklatersoon I’ve already given up tweeting @Candace_Parker, so I will be inconsolable if @LA_Sparks doesn’t get into the playoffs.




Minutes later (and discovered hours later), Candace Parker, HERSELF, 2008 WNBA MVP AND Rookie of the Year, AND Double Dunker, AND NCAA’s Univ. of Tennessee Lady Vol legend, tweeted this, to ME, KishaLynn Elliott, aka @mistieyes on Twitter:


Candace_Parker @mistieyes sorry I don’t tweet much and its hard to directly reply to everyone! hope all is well! take caresses

OMG!!! *goes crazy* This is like catching Beyonce’s sweat towel at a concert, or touching the hem of Jesus’ garment and being healed. Okay maybe not THAT good, but close!


I LOVE CANDACE PARKER, and now and forever I can say…she tweeted me. And though I’m sure she meant “take care”, I will go to my grave imagining that she invited me to take her caresses (it’s ok, my wife Shelli knows what’s up w/babyhairs)! :)))))) *sigh* Lil’ Angel…..


Oh, and for those still reading, after a total freakout tweet, I got it together to tweet her back:


MistiEyes *calmly* @candace_parker #1 THANK YOU for making this my BEST DAY EVER! #2 NO apologies! I hadn’t really given up! 🙂 URDBest&I♥u4ever!!!


P.S. This Stuff (Law of Attraction) is TOTALLY WORKIN’! I asked and believed for a reply from my all time favorite athlete, and I received it. Pursue every dream people, no matter how big or small!!!!! I’m wishing for a Follow from Candace next. Patience is a virtue….stay tuned. 🙂


Public Service Announcement: Not wasting enough time? See all this action and more by following me on Twitter at

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