Wonder Woman (Revised)
Wonder Woman
In another life
Not my own
I would love you
like a lover.
Do you cry at night?
I’d could watch you cry
stroke your hair
Tell you it’s ok
to hurt.
Your heart is broken
Yet you take the
fractured remains of what’s left
and give them to the world
your friends, your dog.
In the evening, you whisper
your gone lover’s name
into the dark.
and you still reach for her
in the A.M.
You turn the key
at night and sigh.
For one second in time
I longed to reach to you
like we had been lovers
in a past life
or best friends.
I feel your pain.
Wonder Woman.
wonder woman poem
This is awesome. You rock Lynn. There is so much emotion in this poem and it hits me every time I read it. Thank you. What a tremendous gift!